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Osijek Competitive Programming Camp, Winter 2023

What is this?

This is a camp to prepare students for ICPC and similar programming competitions. The camp is aimed at the highest level of competition, i.e. teams who wish to show strong results in ICPC regionals and participate seriously in ICPC World Finals.

The camp consists of 7 ICPC-style contests, i.e. 5 hours and 9-12 problems each, and 2 days off. The contests are intended for 3-person teams.

Although regular meals and accommodation are not included in the participation fee, it would be possible to eat at the student cafeteria at a price of approximately 5€ to 8€ per meal. We also have some discounts for our participants with local accommodation providers (see the details page). Besides that, the department will organise coffee breaks with some snacks during contests.

Who can participate?

Participation is open to anyone, but the camp is primarily aimed at ICPC-eligible teams representing universities. Participants need to be registered in teams. If you are interested in participating, please fill the form here.

We support and empathise with those affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine, therefore we offer a 100€ discount for the affected individuals and teams affiliated with Ukrainian institutions. In other words, the fees would be 50€ and 0€ per person for onsite and online participation correspondingly.

It is also possible to reduce fees individually if you are unable to attend some of the contests (e.g. because of the overlap with SWERC).